Dental Implants in Highland

Dental Implants

Picture of the process of inserting a dental implant to restore an individual’s mouth and teeth.

While many patients with severely decayed or damaged teeth may have resigned themselves to the belief that they’ll never regain their once beautiful smile, we at the practice of Dr. Michael Gordon are here to prove that wrong. Through our wide array of cosmetic dental services, including veneers and crowns, we’re able to give all our patients in and around Munster and Schererville, IN a healthier and more attractive smile. Even if you happen to be missing teeth, we can still restore your smile with dental implants.

Picture of the titanium dental implant before inserted in the mouth.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are essentially anchors that are made out of the strongest titanium materials. These implants are inserted into a patient’s jawbone where a tooth is missing in order to replace the tooth’s missing roots. After the implant has had a chance to fuse with the jawbone, a cap or crown is placed on top of the dental implant in order to mimic the appearance of a natural tooth.

The Benefits of Dental Implants

Patients who have missing teeth should consider dental implants for the following benefits that they provide:

  • Dental implants will look, feel, and function just like natural teeth.
  • They are stronger than a natural tooth root and will never require a filling or a root canal.
  • Dental implants will help maintain the shape and health of the bone in the jaw area.
  • Unlike with dental bridges and other treatments for missing teeth, neighboring teeth won’t have to be filed down in order to fill the missing tooth gap.
  • With proper oral hygiene, dental implants will last a lifetime.

Contact Your Munster and Schererville, IN Cosmetic Dentist Today!

If you’re interested in any of our cosmetic dental procedures, from dental implants to veneers, we encourage you to give us a call at (219) 322-1929. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We can’t wait to see you and help you regain your beautiful smile!

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